The first writing craft book I recommend for new authors is always Strunk and White’s The Elements of Style. It’s not just a grammar and style guide, it is the most concise one I’ve ever found. In just 95 pages it covers everything from punctuation for dialogue to avoiding qualifiers like very and just to commonly misused words and expressions. The advice for narrative style is some of the best I’ve seen for new writers.

I particularly like this advice on style (or author voice).

“To achieve style, begin by affecting none—that is, place yourself in the background. A careful and honest writer does not need to worry about style. As you become proficient in the use of language, your style will emerge.”

You can probably tell from the quote that the book is old, but grammar doesn’t age. The style tips inside are paired down to such basic truths that they too are evergreen. The ebook is currently available for 99 cents and deserves a cover to cover read, by any aspiring author.

Timeless Guide for New Writers
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